Contact: Rachel Brooks Awards & Starpack Manager E-mail:
IOP: The Packaging Society A division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining The Boilerhouse Springfield Business Park Caunt Road Grantham NG31 7FZ Tel: 01476 513885 Fax: 01476 513899 |
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2008 Awards Presentation
The 2008 Student Starpack Awards presentation awards saw a very successful day,
incorporating a high level strategic business
conference running alongside the schools
and student awards ceremonies, held at the
Institute’s prestigious headquarters in Carlton
House Terrace, London which backs onto
The Mall and St. James’s Park.
This new development will be repeated on 21 May 2009, again at the IOM3
London headquarters. The traditional Starpack Industry Awards and
Annual Packaging Dinner will be held in the evening at the Sheraton Park
Lane Hotel – in a real celebration of packaging excellence!
The day will increase the scope of the Starpack Awards and gives us the
opportunity to invite sponsors and other interested parties to be involved.
We see this as the perfect opportunity in which to not only promote young
talent, but also increase awareness of the winners to the potential of the
industry and future career pathways.
Three students and the tutor from the college or university winning the
Eric Dickens Memorial Award will be invited as guests to the prestigious
evening industry awards ceremony.
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